I’ll admit that the idea of the Bears putting a dome on Soldier Field is a bit ludicrous.
But what if it actually works? What if a dome on Soldier Field is something that is functional and looks good?
It might not help keep the Chicago Bears from moving to suburban Arlington Heights, because it truly feels as if that ship has sailed. Instead, it could aid in boosting some property down by the lake. And if these renderings are a sign of things to come, then the idea of topping Soldier Field with a dome will get a second look from me (and I imagine others):
This doesn’t look bad. In fact, it looks kinda GOOD. I’m into it. Maybe having renderings that don’t feature video boards depicting Justin Fields taking a sack has something to do with it. Or perhaps it has something to do with the low bar of expectations to clear for the city. In the end, this serves as a promising start for a building that could be a worthwhile downtown attraction.
As for the Arlington Heights Chicago Bears, it’s probably too little too late for it to be meaningful for that particular franchise sticking around. But If the city is serious about rejuvenating the lakefront area and Museum Campus, then count me as having an interest in seeing what Soldier Field would look like after modernization and a makeover.
In the end, is a heckuva scoop from Crain’s. And one we should continue to follow as the story develops. Given this update from Greg Hinz at Crain’s, Mayor Lori Lightfoot’s dome plan looks like less of a half-brained shot-in-the-dark. That certainly feels like an improvement over the original optics of it being a desperation play. And reportedly getting help from Robert Dunn seems helpful. Dunn is best known a developer who had a hand in working with the Packers and Vikings in their stadium projects. If you can’t beat ’em, hire their developer as a consultant. I think that’s how that saying goes.
There is still a long way to go before this storyline fully plays out. But for now, having a blueprint by someone who has done this type of thing before has my attention.