Kicking at Soldier Field is notoriously hard.
And while many of the challenges have to do with swirling winds and the threat of inclement weather, a new hurdle has emerged for Bears kickers to conquer. One that Cairo Santos doesn’t seem too pleased about dealing with right now:
Sheesh! It’s not like the Bears were needing *ANOTHER* reason leave Soldier Field for Arlington Heights.
It is August and Soldier Field’s turf is already being problematic for the Bears. This is the time of year when the playing surface should be in tip-top shape. That Santos is pointing out issues with the field at this time of year is a bad look. Because while I understand that concerts and soccer games are played on the regular throughout the summer, that Soldier Field’s primary tenants are dealing with complications doesn’t bode well for the future. Just imagine the state of it after giving it a few weeks of regular NFL wear-and-tear. I’m certainly not looking forward to that progress report.
And to think, the Bears were looking like they were past their turf issues. Long having been a notorious bugaboo in Chicago, Bears management put the wheels in motion to install a new surface from the renowned Tuckahoe Turf Farms in New Jersey back in 2018. The Hammonton, N.J. based turf experts specialize in providing grass for pro sports teams. So you’d think the Bears would be in good shape. But as is the case with lawn care as small as my front yard or as large as an NFL playing field, if the surface isn’t being maintained by the owner then it doesn’t matter what kind of specialty grass you’re going. In other words, if the Chicago Park District isn’t keeping up with the maintenance, then obstacles like these will be the norm.
For what it’s worth, the city has 32 days to get Soldier Field in pristine form before Week 1’s debut. And it would behoove the city not to dilly dally and wait around.