The Chicago Bears have boatloads of space under the 2023 salary cap. They can/should spend that money on internal extensions, external additions via free agency and trade, and future NFL Draft picks. It’s really quite lovely.
But now we’re getting a little more clarity as to how much wiggle room under the cap they’ll have.
ESPN’s Field Yates shared the rollover cap amounts for each of the NFL’s 32 teams. And as you might expect, the Bears have … a LOT. In fact, Chicago’s football team has the fourth-most cap space it can roll over into 2023 at $9,584,194.
Only the Browns ($27.587M), Panthers ($10.752M), and Broncos ($10.605M) have more cash in the rollover fund than the Bears.
Now, using Yates’ formula adding the sum of the rollover cap space to the 2023 salary cap number will give us what each team’s adjusted salary cap number will be this year. And for the Bears, their adjusted cap space number would be $234,584,194 (based on a projected salary cap of $225 million for 2023). As things stand right now, has the Bears at $108,720,491 under the base salary cap of $225 million. The rollover cash gives the Bears a little more space to operate with this offseason. Every dollar counts, right?
For a full look at the entire league’s rollover cap space situation, you can check out Yates’ tweet below: