Watching Travis Kelce struggle to name a bunch of active NFL coaches is the funniest thing you’ll see today.
Especially when he gets to Bears Head Coach Matt Eberflus.
So if you’re looking for a laugh, this is for you:
I’m not surprised that Kelce drew a bunch of blanks. After all, he kinda comes off as a space cadet. But Kelce’s reaction specifically to panning on the Bears head coach that has me laughing the hardest. The camera panning to Eberflus only to have Kelce go “I’ve never seen that man in my f***ing life” is downright HILARIOUS.
As an avid NBA watcher, one of my favorite moments every year is when the TNT crew quizzes Charles Barkley on old faces in new places in a segment called Who He Play For? and it cracks me up every time. But seeing Travis Kelce — an active player — struggle to name coaches currently in the league has me hootin’ and hollerin’ on a Saturday afternoon. It might be the best thing I’ll see all day. And I’m just happy to share it with you.
As for Kelce and Eberflus, they’ll get a chance to get acquainted in 2023 when the Bears and Chiefs square off in the regular season. Heck, maybe they’ll get to know each other overseas. At this point, we’ve gotta make it happen for spits and giggles.