The eyes of the football world were already squared on Chicago this week (along with some pointing and laughing) after the chaos that ensued at Halas Hall. Well, here’s a not-so-subtle reminder that on Sunday at noon when the Packers come to town, even more views will be aimed at the Bears.
FOX is giving the Bears and the Packers the A-Team treatment and sending Kevin Burkhardt, Tom Brady, and Erin Andrews to Soldier Field for America’s Game of the Week.
Bears and Packers Getting Top Treatment
I’m pretty torn about how I feel about this. On the one hand, Chicago has been embarrassed this season and by Green Bay in general enough over the last, well, really my entire lifetime. Do we really need FOX making this the national game to only highlight how bad things have gotten here after so much hope to start the year?
On the other hand, I don’t think this year has to be a long-term setback. I still love the quarterback. I still really like the offensive weapons. The defense is very good, young, and mostly locked up for a few years. Really, it feels like getting a real head coach into the building and a few new offensive linemen could put the Bears next season where we thought they’d be this season. So a loss to Green Bay this week, and potentially a bad one, might only expedite the need to make the changes needed to get Chicago’s football team where they need to be.
It will also be a total kick in the you know where if and when at some point Brady again brings up how Chicago was a serious candidate for his services in 2020 when he left New England after 20 years for Tampa Bay where he led the Bucs to a Super Bowl.
All eyes will be on Soldier Field this Sunday at noon, certainly, nothing will go wrong!