Since everyone wants updates hourly at this point, a small group of writers were able to spend a few minutes with Jason Coyle, the president of Chicago Sports Network (CHSN) before Saturday night’s Blackhawks game.
“The entire premise of Chicago Sports Network, somewhat ironically, is to expand the access of the games and the content to all the fans of Chicago,” Coyle said on Saturday evening. “We know how the RSNs and cable in general have been just kind of shrinking over the years and the audience and people being able to watch just going away. And so we saw this as an opportunity to reset to reach all Chicago sports fans, anyone who wanted to watch this, regardless of where they live”
First, for the YouTube TV folks out there: not happening. We knew that, but it just isn’t. And that’s a YouTube TV decision; they aren’t engaging any RSNs.
CHSN is again doubling down on their desire to be on Comcast/Xfinity. However, in our conversation with Coyle indications are that the dialogue has been fairly one-sided at this point. CHSN is regularly following up with Comcast in hopes of having something change, but nothing is changing. At all.
Coyle said in no uncertain terms that CHSN has not received a single offer from Comcast. They have not been offered placement on the highest/most expensive tier or programming. CHSN has zero offers from Comcast. And Coyle said the network and it’s owners are ready, willing and able to take a “significant haircut” on revenue to get the programming to market.
It sounds like the only sense of urgency that could move the ball/puck forward here might be the start of the Bulls’ 2024-25 season in the coming week, but Comcast doesn’t sound like they’re in any rush to engage.
It does sound like FUBO might be the next carrier in the mix for CHSN, however. So stay tuned for something there.
Which brings us to… what about streaming thru a CHSN app?
Coyle said they’re very close to being ready to go to market with a first version of the CHSN app, but wouldn’t put a definite timeline on that being ready. He also said their priority is to negotiate a deal with Comcast because that’s the largest provider in the market and their consumers are telling them that’s where they want to watch Blackhawks, Bulls and White Sox games.
So right now it appears the ball is in the court of Chicago Sports Network to, at some point, move forward with offering their app and owned streaming option for consumer who don’t want to change their media engagement platform of choice to one of the providers with whom they have a deal in place.