I haven’t mentioned the official name of this contest before. It’s called a “Beat the Expert” contest. As in, I’m the expert. Now, I certainly know baseball very well, but I’m not sure I would characterize myself as a fantasy baseball expert (though I’ve now played in dozens of these contests). If my past track record is any indication, I’m probably not an “expert.” I’m more of a “mediocre-ert.”
Given that, you’ve got a pretty nice chance to win some bonus cash in tomorrow’s contest. If you beat me, you get $5. Even better, the prize pool for this contest is much larger than our usual free contests – $500 versus $300 – and it’s just $11 to enter. The rub, though, is that space in the contest is very limited: there are only 50 spots total, and the contest is half full already. So get to it, and sign up now.