This is it, folks. You’ve got just a couple hours left to join in this evening’s contest – you’re going to want to sign up right now to make sure you get a spot.
Here’s the rundown:
Sign up for a $500 fantasy contest ($11 entry fee), win some big money by beating the other competitors, AND get a bonus of $5 if you beat me. Last time, I finished 34th out of 50, so most of you got the bonus cash. I try very hard not to suck, but frequently, I suck.
To play, you register for DraftStreet if you haven’t already, and sign up for the contest here. Make out your roster, and we’ll see what’s what when the games are played this evening.
Do you really think you can beat that handsome, intelligent, clearly photogenic gentleman right there? Let’s find out.
Even setting aside the bonus money, the contest has a huge prize pool ($500 – the winner gets $175, and the top 6 spots win cash) and a limited number of entries – that means you have a good chance of winning some actual big money with your skillz. And you get a chance to beat the beautiful douche in the picture above.
So sign up now, and let’s have some fun.