The happy recipient of a new contract, Kansas City Royals catcher Salvador Perez should absolutely be in a great mood. And, hey, maybe even get a tattoo to commemorate one of the best moments of the past year. No, not that contract. And, no, it’s not his own face – like Jung-Ho Kang – or a full-body swing – like his teammate Paulo Orlando.
It’s about his World Series win!
Show off the guns, Sal:
If you’re going to get a huge, bright, descriptive tattoo, you could do worse than this one.
That said, Perez may have bought more than he expected: by putting that size of a tattoo on his large bicep, he’s just sentenced himself to a lifetime of having to keep that bad boy inflated. Sure, it seems easy now when he’s in his mid-20s and playing professional baseball, but what happens in 25 years, eh? Without a large, tight bicep, the “KC” might just fall right off the arm!