Insert quote stolen from ‘Endgame’ about the ending being part of the whatever or something. Cut me some slack. I’m very tired.
Every year, I find myself wanting to lead with the same thought, so I won’t reinvent the wheel: it’s a shame that the Blogathon saps me of maximum eloquence at the time I need it most. After 40+ hours, I owe you so many thanks, and I know I won’t quite have the capacity to express it as well as I’d want.
For donating so generously to a worthy cause like Make-A-Wish: THANK YOU!
Your efforts put us over $18,000 after some matching funds come in, which is enough to sponsor three wishes for children and their families who deserve and need an incredible experience.
For participating so joyfully throughout the 40 hours of the Blogathon and lifting my spirits throughout: THANK YOU!
It’s possible that I could survive this stunt without having a community of folks surrounding me at every turn – here on the site, on Twitter, on Facebook, and in the live streams – but why would I want to? Sure, doing these 40 hours was a little hard at times, but your comments, your tweets, your messages, your pictures, your jokes (even the ones at my expense) make the experience, on the whole, all too easy. It makes me look forward to it every year.
As for the baseball action, it was a quiet year around the league until the last ten minutes (or actually, like, the 20 minutes AFTER the deadline technically passed), when things got absolutely nuts. The Cubs wound up trading for Nick Castellanos, trading away Carl Edwards Jr., swapping Martin Maldonado and Tony Kemp, and also picking up David Phelps.
What all of this was really about, though, once again …
I want to thank you all so very much for your part in this Blogathon. Your support over the years for a cause that I care so much about is overwhelming. Together, we raised over $18,000 this month to make wishes come true – to give a special experience to children who really need something to enjoy. Hopefully we’ll have reached a young Cubs fan or two along the way. Good on you.
You also donated enough to force me to do all things bloggy for 40+ hours straight here in Chicago and around Wrigleyville.
Let’s do it again!
… in 364 days.
Now for the final tallies.
Total Posts During the Blogathon:
54. In case you missed any of those 69 posts, you can stroll on over to the home page, and flip backwards through them all.
Total Minutes of Live Video Streams During the Blogathon:
So many Periscopes! Feels like it was the most I’ve ever done, and you guys made them fun. You can scroll back through my Tweets to find them, or find @BleacherNation on the Periscope App on your phone. At around 30 minutes a pop, and about 10 of them, that’s like 300 minutes of live streaming.
Total Distance Walked:
About 9 miles.
Total Emergency Vests Worn:
Total Donuts Eaten:
11. (Yikes.)
Total Cubs Transactions at the Deadline:
Five: Castellanos, Edwards, Maldonado/Kemp, Phelps, and the IFA deal.
Total Caffeinated Beverages Imbibed:
Six Coke Zeros
One venti iced vanilla lattes
One triple shot
Two Kris Bryant Red Bulls
One Bryan-delivered Victor Carrot-tini
One green tea.
One black coffee.
One nitro cold brew.
Hours I Plan on Sleeping Now:
Ideally/hopefully I’ll feel good to go on 10. But we’ll see what happens.
Thank you all again, and I’m gonna lay down and slide into unconscious bliss. I should be back on the grid by the late morning, if all goes according to plan.