Hey folks. As you may have noticed, we are having some serious site problems the last 24 hours. I’m sorry about that, and I’m sorry I even have to address it. The whole thing about a website like this is that it’s just supposed to work. You come, you read, you leave. You never even notice the wires.
A web site is the interrelationship between a crapload of pieces of web software, server software, database software, third party services, browsers, devices, web protocols, and the coding you apply to make the site your own (among many other things). Over time, each of those layers evolves, and some of them start to play less nice with each other. Sometimes things break. Generally I can fix most little breaks, and even some of the big breaks. But eventually, some stuff becomes un-fixable, and you have to make hard decisions about how to proceed to keep the site as well-functioning as possible. It gets worse as the years go by, and then some-awful-times – like what’s happened the last 24 hours – the break is systemic. Seems to happen every five years or so.
I won’t claim that things are back to fully-functional, because I’ve thought we were there a few times before now and we weren’t. All I can say for sure is that I’m busting my butt to get this sorted out as quickly and completely as possible, and then I’ll set about the work of fixing the whole dang system so that problems like this are less likely in the future.
Or at least not for another five years.
Much love. Thanks again for being part of this site, and for your patience and understanding.