There are so many joking angles to take on this one, but I’m not sure which of them would get me into trouble. So I’ll just stick to the facts on something I’ve certainly never seen happen before.
Houston Astros second baseman Jose Altuve hit a ground ball to third base against the Padres and was easily thrown out. But that’s because Altuve didn’t run, claiming the ball hit off of his foot, and thus should be a foul ball. When the umpires didn’t believe him, Altuve decided to offer up some evidence, and he got the boot:
Jose Altuve literally took out his foot at the plate to show where the ball hit him, and got ejected for his troubles. I say he was making a pretty good argument!
Of course, I guess it’s only fair that if the call has been made and you’re continuing to hold up the game at home plate by disrobing, as delightfully humorous as that may be, an ejection is probably a natural consequence.