Tonight, MLB unveiled the three finalists for each of the major BBWAA awards. Although you could make an argument for at least one Chicago Cubs player to show up – Shร ยta Imanaga among the NL Rookie of the Year options – no Cubs did.
The full list of finalists can be found here, and embedded below. I’m not actually sure there are going to be a ton of super competitive races this year. To me, the NL MVP (Ohtani), AL MVP (Judge), NL Cy Young (Sale), AL Cy Young (Skubal), and AL Rookie of the Year (Cowser) are pretty easy. The NL Rookie of the Year is probably going to be Skenes, though I do think Merrill has an argument.
One thought I can’t shake: it’s dang shame Shร ยta wasn’t going up against the AL group, because he’d easily have gotten in as one of the Rookie of the Year finalists, and would’ve had a shot to win it, too. In the NL, he’s not even a finalist.