It’s the 31st episode of a super awesome podcast featuring me and Sahadev Sharma. You can listen to the podcast there below, or download it for later listening. You can also subscribe via iTunes. Here’s your iTunes link, and you can also find it by searching in the iTunes store. For those of you who use other feed-catching services, here’s the podcast feed. For those of you just tuning in who want to catch up on prior episodes, here’s the whole lot.
As always, you can send questions, comments, etc. to the official podcast email address (podcast AT bleachernation DOT com) if you want your thoughts included on a future show. This week’s set got us into thoughts on acquiring a second baseman in trade, the particulars of Jorge Soler’s unique contract, using fringe prospects to improve a deadline deal, and the future of Albert Almora.
This week, we talk about the state of the Cubs’ rebuilding project, and whether there are reasons to be concerned or encouraged. We get into hating on the Cardinals and (some) neck tattoos. We also check in on a little FacebookCubs tweeting.
We also learn from Sahadev about the elegant art of hitting on scouts. Let me get your digits. I mean the digits on your radar gun.